Book Chat with the Manitoba Writers’ Guild

Book Chat with the Manitoba Writers’ Guild

Autumn has begun and that back-to-school spirit is in the air. After a break in July, I’m back in my office writing the second half of a second novel that I haven’t settled on a title for yet. It’s difficult coming back from a break, even if you...
One literary book review in Canada

One literary book review in Canada

First, you should know that the experience of being reviewed doesn’t even start with a book review. You can write a novel, have it published with a traditional publisher, have a book launch, hit “best-seller” status at the largest independent bookstore in Canada and...

“For dad”

Authors have to contend with many decisions after a publisher picks up a novel. There is an author photograph to be taken, a website to be created or updated, fine edits back and forth between author and publisher, perhaps an author package designed to help the author...